Acupuncture ring effect
This massage ring is meant to relieve tension in the fingers. It works by stimulating acupressure points on the fingers that are said to improve circulation, increase concentration and reduce finger fatigue.
The acupressure ring works through little triangular-shaped ‘points’ that activate pressure point massage focuses in the fingers. According to Chinese medicine, our life-sustaining energy force (Qi) runs along meridians throughout the body. The idea is to stimulate these pressure points to keep the Qi flowing. The acupressure ring is supposed to be great for massaging tired fingers, stimulating blood flow and providing almost instant relief. It can also be useful for warming up cold hands at the gym or crag and aiding recovery in case of injury.
For the “uneasiness alleviation, stress decrease and improved center,” you just roll it around each of your fingers 20 to multiple times to initiate the acupressure points. The stimulation from the concentric electrodes (a pair of center and outer ring electrodes) is said to modulate the effects of 3 Hz electrical stimulation through a pair of center electrodes by increasing the threshold for pricking sensation while minimizing muscle twitching.