How to Find the Root of a Mountain in AC Valhalla

a seed of a mountain

If you’ve made it far into AC Valhalla’s Asgard story arc, you’ve likely come across Ivaldi and his task to forge the magical cord Gleipnir. To do that, he requires a few items. One of those is the root of a mountain, which Ivaldi’s riddle asks you to collect. Luckily, this isn’t as hard to find as the Cat Footfall or other Asgard-specific items you might need to get. The AC Valhalla Taking Root guide will tell you where to look and how to solve Ivaldi’s riddle to collect the item.

First, you’ll need to reach Ivaldi’s forge in Asgard. The easiest way to do that is to use the Fast Travel point in the region, near Utangard Chasm. From there, head southwest to the synchronization point on top of the highest peak in Asgard. Climb the mountain and synchronize at the top to trigger the quest marker. Once you’ve done that, look over the cliff and notice the seed of a mountain. It’s in front of a haystack that you can interact with to activate the riddle, “A seed sleeps in Ymir’s cold grip. Warm it awake, bring it to water, For old bone to sprout new life.”

Equip a torch from your item wheel and use RT or R3 to scan for the seed (it’s highlighted blue on your in-game map). This should reveal the haystack below you. To satisfy the “warm it awake” portion of the riddle, throw the torch at the haystack to make it burn. Then, pick up the seed and carry it to the edge of the cliff, where you can see a pond below you. Throw the seed into the pond to complete the quest and collect the item.

This hardy perennial flower is a staple in the mountain garden. Grows in full sun and likes lean soil. The bees and hummingbirds go crazy for it. It’s a beautiful color in road cuts and along road sides, and it blooms from May-July. It reseeds itself. Moist stratify for 30-60 days or plant in fall, barely covering the seed.

This perennial plant is native to southern Europe and Asia. It grows best in dry to moist sandy or gravelly soils in full sun, but can also thrive in partial shade. This versatile perennial is a staple in any perennial garden and is easy to propagate from seeds. A good choice for mixed containers, rock gardens, and in the ground. It thrives in full sun or part shade, but prefers a cooler climate. The flowers have a sweet fragrance and are long-lasting. It is drought tolerant once established.