You may have already heard about the High Pass Card. It is a new type of credit card that lets you pay for various types of services in limited locations. You can charge the card at home or in other designated locations. However, there are several restrictions when it comes to charging the card. Here, we will tell you about the Authentication process and the Status information of the card. To understand how to charge the card properly, you should read this article.Information transmission message
An information transmission message is a digital message that carries data between two points. The message may contain a single bit of error or may contain redundant data. In any case, an information transmission message should be sent correctly to ensure that it reaches its destination. The failure to maintain synchronization can result in data corruption or loss. If the message contains an error, it should be decoded accordingly. When the message is decoded, it is restored in the original form.
Authentication 더팬시카 process
Authentication for a high-pass card may be performed through a number of methods. Depending on the level of assurance, different methods may be applied. The following sections describe some of the most common types of authentication and how they differ from each other. In addition, this article describes a few examples of each method. The process described in this section may also be applied to lower assurance levels. However, the method of authentication chosen should not be determined solely by the level of assurance of the PIV card.
The SCardUIDlgSelectCard() function matches the container name to a smart card and the reader. In addition to the container name, the caller can provide a specific serial number or a name that identifies the smart card. If this container name is not available, the callback functions will fail and the user must enter their PIN. When successful, the smart card will be displayed and the authentication process will begin.
CSP is responsible for securing the private key. Once it has received authentication information, it stores the private key on the smart card. After that, it reads the changed objects from the smart card in successive operations. However, once a file is written to the smart card, the CSP’s cache is no longer current, and other processes must read the smart card again to update it. This process takes time and is not recommended for low-security devices.