

Kiwi-hu-suk is a South Korean reality series that follows the struggles of an ordinary family that is confronted with AIDS, cancer, and other terminal diseases. The show, which premiered in 2011, has become a major hit amongst viewers and is considered to be the most popular reality series ever produced by SBS Television. Despite the harsh topic, the program tries to keep its viewers laughing with its humor and positive outlook on life.

Text bullying is a growing problem in New Zealand, with some young people taking their lives after receiving offensive or harassing messages. This article examines the phenomenon, focusing on a particular case of an attractive Auckland teen who began suffering from cyber-bullying after her boyfriend broke up with her. Maria* contacted a friend to ask for help, but instead was subjected to endless messages that made her feel like an outcast. The article also discusses the implications of this type of bullying, as well as the possible solutions.

Gamma-irradiation of kiwi fruits (Actinidia deliciosa): effects on flesh firmness, SSC, acidity, and pH

Kiwi fruit is one of the most common and healthy sources of vitamin C. However, the high water content of kiwi fruit makes it susceptible to microbial spoilage and loss of quality during storage. To reduce microbial growth and extend the shelf-life of kiwi fruit, several pre-storage treatments have been proposed including conditioning, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), and conditioning plus 1-MCP. This study compares the effect of these different treatments on flesh firmness and other chemical properties of kiwi fruits during storage at 0 AdegC for 24A weeks.

The glacially induced burst of speciation: a genome-wide test of the theory using kiwi DNA

Genetic evidence supports the hypothesis that global cooling during recent Pleistocene glacial cycles resulted in a burst of speciation, especially within habitats located near expanding and retracting ice sheets. We used a genome-wide test to examine this possibility for the kiwi species, which is distributed in habitats that are only several hundred kilometers from expanding and retracting glaciers in New Zealand. The results indicate that a glacially induced burst of speciation was, indeed, observed for this species. However, the genetic evidence is inconclusive for a broader group of species. The implication is that other mechanisms may have contributed to the burst of speciation during glacial periods.