A cruciferous vegetable like broccoli is a good source of fiber, which helps promote regularity and prevent constipation. It also helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It contains a high level of vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals like folate, potassium and manganese. Other healthy compounds in broccoli include carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin.
Sulforaphane, which is found in broccoli sprouts and some other cruciferous vegetables, activates the enzyme aryl hydrocarbon receptor, which helps detoxify the body and fight cancer cells. Studies show that it can also inhibit tumor growth, prevent the development of malignant cellular changes and reduce inflammation. (1)
The vitamin C in broccoli protects the immune system, boosting your defenses against germs. It also prevents free radical damage to the brain and eyes, thanks to its antioxidant properties. (2)
Folate, a nutrient in broccoli, is essential for pregnant women and is known to reduce the risk of birth defects. It is also important for proper cell function and the development of red blood cells. Folate is also required for DNA synthesis and repair. (3)
Vitamin A in broccoli is beneficial for eye health, as it helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. It also promotes the production of collagen, which is necessary for keeping your skin young and healthy. It also plays an important role in immune function and normal bone development.
In the colon, sulforaphane helps prevent and treat issues like leaky gut by promoting intestinal cell growth and reducing inflammation. It also binds with certain bile acids, which increases their excretion and reduces cholesterol. It may even help reverse and prevent heart disease by lowering blood sugar, triglyceride and LDL levels in the body. The B-complex vitamins in broccoli help regulate or reduce excessive homocysteine, which can damage blood vessel linings and lead to heart disease.
Broccoli has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis and chronic inflammatory conditions like type 1 diabetes. The phytochemicals sulforaphane, glucoraphanin and gluconasturtiin in broccoli can also reduce inflammation by inhibiting the activity of certain inflammatory enzymes.
The sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts helps the liver perform its natural detoxification process. This can help remove heavy metals from the body, such as mercury and lead, as well as other toxins like benzene and acrolein, which are byproducts of chemical combustion commonly found in highly polluted areas. In a study, individuals who consumed broccoli sprout tea had their blood levels of these pollutants decrease after an 8-week trial period. (2)
Despite its bitter taste, broccoli is full of nutrients that are beneficial to your overall health. It is a great source of fiber, which can help prevent constipation, lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and colorectal cancer. It is also rich in B-complex vitamins, folic acid and antioxidants. Moreover, it contains the phytochemical indolocarbazole (ICZ), which is broken down by gut bacteria into a compound that can maintain the integrity of the gut barrier and improve digestive health.