The Efficacy of a Reporter From Koji Berry District

In most of China, gojis are an afterthought, sprinkled on dishes for color and just a bit of extra flavor. But in Zhongning County, the goji capital of Ningxia, they are more than just a cash crop; they’re a lifeline. The town is loud and proud about its main export – even the street signs are decorated with goji paraphernalia.

As the goji boom continues to spread internationally, the local farmers are working harder than ever to keep up with demand. They are rushing to harvest their crop before it turns from fresh to dried, and they are also selling more fresh berries in hopes of keeping up with the increasing demand for the superfood in the West.

Ying is the daughter of a goji farmer in Zhongning County, which is known as “Koji Berry District.” She’s here on summer break from school to help her mom sell the bright red berries at the wholesale market. Unlike the limp, dried morsels that we are used to seeing in the grocery store, Ying’s goji berries are plump and juicy with an almost vegetal taste. They are a great source of Vitamin C and they’re good for circulation, which helps the body beat the summer heat.