Ubiquinnon Cocuten Review

Ubiquinnon Cocuten is a dietary supplement used to support healthy cell function. It is also known as Coenzyme Q10. Ubiquinone and ubiquinol are two forms of the same molecule, and both are active in making energy in cells. The body can convert them back and forth as needed, but most often ubiquinol is utilized directly, since it doesn’t require conversion to oxidized CoQ10.

Taking a supplement with the natural form of Coenzyme Q10 may help address several health issues that are associated with age. The natural lipid-soluble compound has antioxidant properties and is thought to play an important role in maintaining heart health. It may also be beneficial for people with migraines or who have had heart surgery or are recovering from a stroke.

CoQ10 is naturally produced in the liver and requires a number of key nutrients to function. These include the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine, vitamins B6, C, E, F, and K, plus minerals magnesium and selenium. Deficiencies in any of these nutrients can compromise CoQ10 production.

Look for a product that offers a natural trans-isomer of ubiquinol, as this has been shown to be more bioavailable. Also, look for a product that utilizes VESIsorb technology in its manufacturing process. This specialised technique mimics the natural biological process of transporting fat-soluble nutrients across what is called the unstirred water layer in the gut to allow for better uptake.